Wednesday, October 31, 2007
idiots. note the s. me included. give me peace. Tuesday, October 30, 2007 有考試不讀卻心血來潮拿起歌冊來讀, 結果感觸超多. 還是很抱歉我讓每個讀我寫的那一篇的人成為斗雞眼, 我的字真的很小! 我愛華會redbadge. Sunday, October 28, 2007 WOOHOO! im high! guess why! hahahha. of course its because of 新加坡金曲獎!!! im SO gonna attend it next year! except that i dunno whether at 17 you'll get the student price... :( im so super happy now, cos apparently my ultra idol 飛輪海 got three awards of which two are pretty great awards: 年度人氣大獎 and 最受歡迎新人! seriously can. the radio was filled with screams everytime their names (esp wuzun) were mentioned, can imagine what the atmosphere in the singapore indoor stadium was like! actually i can understand why they didnt obtain the 最佳新人even though there were FOUR RECIPIENTS!! yeah they are not as 出色 in the singing arena i guess. but nevermind what matters is they're really sincere and passionate and super give their fans attention! lol. no wonder they are so popular. their addresses and words of thanks were very... 誠懇. thats what i felt. 辰亦儒 was the one who talked about most sensible things as usual, and dadong was the most 肉麻! it was always calvin first, then dadong, then yalun, then wuzun. so organized hahhah! ohoh! when the hosts asked anyone in the stadium who likes them to stand up, AROUND HALF OF THE STADIUM STOOD! the screams were tumultuous can! even i felt like standing up next to the radio and cheer! lol. well of course, i must still say something very honestly. 飛輪海不能唱現場. super out of tune and incoherent! ESPECIALLY DADONG! -covers face- even yalun the best singer sounded unsteady and funny today. but dadong is.... aiyoh. although he is my favourite member but he 真的唱得很難聽啦. but of course, the recorded songs are still nice, not perfect but improving :) i like them for their spirit! even when they are not performing up to standard, they still captured the whole stadium's heart. the hosts said it felt like it was a 飛輪海演唱會! :)) another very happy thing is that 張韶涵, my another super idol since very long ago clinched many many awards!!! GREAT awards, for that matter. like 最佳演譯女歌手, 最有舞台魅力 and 全方位藝人獎! i feel like jumping over the moon now! i bet she was super surprised. i wonder what wuzun was thinking; cos during the afternoon interview he got questioned about angela lol! angela sang c major and bu tong, her live performances are getting so much better since her first album. it feels like she really grown :) (i talk as if im some super 音樂人) well, third happy thing is MY FAV SINGER ALSO RECEIVED MANY AWARDS! who? TANK!!! i cant rmb what awards they are cos i havent started recording them, but man, super happy too! he sang zhuan shu tian shi, and he sang some s.h.e songs too! so 迷人laaaa~~ (im abit delirious now, pardon me) s.h.e got all the expected awards, im so super happy too, but if they were here i would have been even higher, haha. yepp the 大贏家 is obviously 孫燕姿! she deserves them! she never failed to attend the annual金曲獎, whether busy or unwell she still plucked time to support the local music scene. i think she is like singapore's 驕傲? no one will disagree :) okkay, my tide of happiness and highness is almost over, heh. i wonder if anyone can feel my heart screaming and cheering as i typed out this post(i didnt know i crapped so long!). this is the most exciting 金曲獎 i've ever heard/seen, cos there werent tank and 飛輪海 and 張韶涵 wasnt that 肯定-ed in the past! ah, im SO GONNA WATCH NEXT YEAR'S 金曲獎!!! :))) Friday, October 26, 2007 the week's finally over. i wouldnt say it was bad, but it wasnt exactly fantastic either. pardon me, allow me to use this platform to be emo. for awhile. 人總是緊緊抱著那些回不去得從前, 結果拖累自己, 無法前進. 痛苦就在於自己了解自己的心意, 千方百計想放下回億卻往往輸給牽掛和對未來的恐懼. 世界上有幾個人真的擁有如此堅強的毅力, 能夠完全放得下過去? 認識請介紹給我... 好想耳濡目染... 最近覺得自己很煩(就是我讓身邊的人覺得很煩). 我的懦弱和矛盾連我自己都受不了. 被人損覺得不服氣, 被人誇了又一直懷疑自己, 總之沒有人說我哪一句我會滿意(還押韻嘞). 結果都弄得人家七孔冒煙(麗儀雪貞你們也是). 我希望自己會改過來, 不要再那麼討人厭(我都一直怨自己很笨之類的)... 調整需要時間, 信心也不是一個晚上能培養出來的, 所以還是需要大家的包容... hmm. quite awhile. five papers are over, but only one subject is truely over. hahah! papers were alright. but then again, all papers i find alright usually return horrendous results(man im still being irritating). exclude prelims larh. that was a miracle. uhh no. change of mindset. i really worked hard for it. there must be some people out there studying for O's without a worry that they will not get their perfect six, while there are people struggling with their revisions and wishing with all their might that they achieve twenty points. well there are also people who were bound to do well like getting single digit results, and are still being worrywarts and irritating everyone in the vicinity. i feel really strongly about this issue (even when im the culprit at times as well and feel really bad about it) but i just cant put it in words... even if people with different expectations and have their prerogatives to worry about how well they'll do, i think its redundant and plain insensitive to indirectly antagonize weaker students by expressing their disappointment in their work especially when they wont even know how well or badly they have done. hmm im not pinpointing anyone, just 心血來潮 about the issue and hope i'll never do it haha. which explains my minimal comments of every paper after being released. (yes, zero complains. cry at home. lol!!) eh, if you read this and think im talking about you(想太多的人也只有你了), i am not!!! dont worry! ure different okay! (lets see who approaches me and asks if she is 'you') alright. 發洩完畢. i shall do what im supposed to do and not give conscience any chance to get to me. infer. Monday, October 22, 2007 amath paper is about 14 hours later. thanks for all the wellwishes, and all replies to my 'good luck' msgs! i will jiayou with all ur wishes in mind. and yes, i will sleep soon. Thursday, October 18, 2007 dedicated to you. 願意不愛你 - 炎亞綸 十字街道做背景 寒風當道具 氣氛悶得就像要下雨 我在等回憶光臨 記憶中那場相遇 還如此清晰 怎麼轉眼就面對分離 溫馨片段沒整理 已經來不及 你說有我暖過的手心 現在貼著別的心 深情像片碎玻璃 散落在眼底 閃著晶瑩卻也痛了自己 我願意 不愛你 以後所有快樂傷悲都那麼多餘 我願意 不愛你 痛就放在心裏不用關閉不需要痊癒 快樂點滴沒整理 已經來不及 你說屬於我們的回憶 你都不能夠繼續 再見說的那麼輕 就好像空氣 可是為什麼我無法呼吸 我願意 不愛你 以後所有快樂都塗上淒美記憶 我願意 不愛你 從此就將回憶點滴直接注射在心裡 我願意 不愛你 以後所有快樂傷悲都那麼多餘 我願意 不愛你 痛就放在心裏不用關閉不需要痊癒 我願意 不愛你 痛就放在心裏不用關閉不需要痊癒 *dont worry, that person does not visit my blog, so if ure reading this, its definitely not dedicated to you :) Tuesday, October 16, 2007 it was rainy the whole day, and it gave me the excuse to be emo. was enjoying it though. the only minus factor was that i, uh, wasted quite awhile being emo. and my 'father' -looks at xuezhen- just sat around trying and failing to attract my attention. my mum has this fetish of repeating "you must get six points or seven points ah" to me every few hours. i must admit she has her reasons for doing that because during psle, she kept saying to me, "im alright if you get just 265. no need to get more than that... 265 is enough." well, she wasnt exactly pleased to see the magical 265 on my psle results slip. i think she cursed herself for that. so in order to not repeat her 'egregious' mistake she aimed higher this time round -_- im not exactly pressurized but, six and seven... im not sure if i'll be as lucky as prelims during the O levels. i think i failed badly in preventing myself from falling to the deathly temptations and distractions. though i think my zjyj and gzxm are worth my time, i dont think the rest of the videos i clicked on just to look around are worth the extra hour i spent :( i am adamant about losing weight but everytime my mum brings in pringles, muzic, ruffles etc etc in to motivate me to study(yeah, to achieve her desired six or seven), i realise i cant reject them at all... :( Monday, October 15, 2007 visited quite a couple of my pri school friends' blogs, nanchiau and hongwen. its actually a little freaky to see so many changes in people, esp those from hongwen cos i've not seen them even longer.... well, i cant say i didnt change, i think i can say i changed the most if we had to compare. was fantasizing about meeting pri school friends again in jc. quite an exciting yet scary thought. i dont know how to describe, i think its 期待又怕受傷害haha! was still feeling pretty torn between the two schools, but i guess its still early and what matters in my O's results? whats the use of thinking of what jc to enter when you cant secure ur place after february -_- but anyhow, its between vj and hc. most like vj :) my mum suggested aj and sajc. -stares at liyi and maine- i know its mugging time. i cant deny and cant procrastinate any longer! but i am still lazing around. which explains my presence here. aiyoh :( Sunday, October 14, 2007 pictures speak a million words, of yesterday, of 2007, of 4 good friends. ![]() my bag got attacked by some stupid prankster in far east kfc. this is evidence. we suspect it was the lians and bengs who were sitting behind us. ![]() the 下場 of my bag. bye, hayrer. maine kajiao-ing peiyi. ![]() but their nature is lameness. a random day in drama studio. super unglam. testing the limits of my belt. ![]() last geog lesson, map reading. pestered liyi for this photo cos my arms look unrealistically thin here. haha. was decorating peiyi's bday board in macs! ![]() and it marks the end of my secondary school life before Os. too late (as in today's time) to be emo. maybe in another post :) love! Friday, October 12, 2007 today is... a very very lousy day. i always believe the world's balanced. if one person is living a very lousy day, there must be another person in the world that is living a very happy and joyful day. which in this case, i think is very true. its the last day of school. thanks liyi, maine and peiyi for pulling it through with me, through all unlucky and unhappy things that happened. there wouldnt be me without you. hwachong open house was okay. maybe i will mention it another day. it indeed has affected my choice about where i should go for pae. anyway i also believe, when a person is at her unluckiest, things will all turn out better since she cant get any unluckier. maybe all will be over with a sleep. i believe. Thursday, October 11, 2007 just here to upload these two pics which i find damn cool. thanks ziqin for sending! it was the day we dissected frogs for bio practical lesson. i still remember our frog was the only one whose heart was still pumping! cool :) Thursday, October 04, 2007 i've never seen any other people of your age so childish. so you want to pick fights with me. come all you want. my points are stronger than yours. you will never outtalk me with ur petty opinions, self-centredness and arrogance! 在我的字典裏, 愛面子是種罪孽. Monday, October 01, 2007 there's smth wrong with my html, i cant close the entries section. so i shall be announcing that i wont blog anymore! stay tuned. |
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